Tips for Coronavirus

 NOTE: Before Taking These Advises Please Contact To Your Physician First.....

About FOOD

1. Consume a lot of Moong Dal.
2. Eat Green and Leafy vegetables.
3. Use Turmeric while cooking.
4. Add Black Pepper and Cumin(jeera).
5. Eat Fruits regularly.
6. Prefer Seasonal fruits.
7. Eat Papaya (helps in digestion and strong immunity)
8. Eat grapes, strawberry, pineapple, coriander, garlic.


1. The most important thing that helps you in building your immunity is Ayurveda.
2. Drink a lot of water especially warm Water.
3. Practice Yoga and Meditation.
4. Drink Herbal tea.
5. Steam inhalation with Mint and Caraway seeds(black seeds).
6. Take Clove powder with Sugar and Honey.

Tips to Protect Yourself

1. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.
2. Avoid touching eyes and face.
3. Avoid close contact with people.
4. Use mask in a crowded place.
5. Use tissues while coughing and sneezing.
6. Clean the surface of your home clearly by using disinfectants.
7. Keep at least 6 feet distance.



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